The Lodge Executive Commitee
Youth Executive Members

Wyatt B.
Lodge Chief
The Lodge Chief represents the Lodge on the Section level, serves as the chairman of the Lodge Executive Committee, establishes agendas, sets annual Lodge goals and serves on the Lodge Key 3

Vice Chief of Finance
The Vice Chief of Finance submits an annual budget to the Lodge Executive Committee, manages the Trading Post at Lodge Events, and reports on the status on the Lodge Finanicals at the monthly Lodge Meetings.

Michael G.
The Chapter Chief leads his chapter "District" at monthly meetings, works with the Lodge Chief and serves as a Voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee.

Chapter Chief - Lakota
The Chapter Chief leads his chapter "District" at monthly meetings, works with the Lodge Chief and serves as a Voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee.

Lucas B.
Vice Chief of Administration
The Vice Chief of Administration coordinates and publishes a Lodge Planbook annually, serves as the Chairman at Lodge Executive Committee meetings in the Lodge Chief's absence, and manages event registration.

Vice Chief of Camping Promotions
The Vice Chief of Camping Promotions updates and publishes the annual Where to go Camping Guide "Packs Paddles and Poles", and provides monthly camping reports at the Lodge Executive Committee Meeting.

Austin H.
The Chapter Chief leads his chapter "District" at monthly meetings, works with the Lodge Chief and serves as a Voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee.

Michael D.
Vice Chief of Communications
The VIce Chief of Communications takes and provides the minutes from the monthly Lodge Executive Committee meetings, coordinates and publishes the monthly Lodge Newsletter "Lim-ik's Call".

Vice Chief of Inductions/OrdealMaster
The Vice Chief of Inductions is responsible for coordinating Unit Elections, Chapter Call-outs, and serves as the OrdealMaster at the Spring and Fall Ordeals.

The Chapter Chief leads his chapter "District" at monthly meetings, works with the Lodge Chief and serves as a Voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee.
Adult Advisory Commitee

Trevor Ferguson
Lodge Adviser

Katie Squire
Chapter Adviser

John Dufrense
Assoicate Lodge Adviser - Camping Promotions/Ceremonies

John Boylan
Immediate Past Lodge Adviser

Jeff Nelson
Chapter Adviser

Tyler Lyman
Associate Lodge Adviser - Communications

Scott Holm
Associate Lodge Adviser - Inductions

Jess Andres
Chapter Adviser

Greg Ferguson
Associate Lodge Adviser - Finances & Membership