The Chief's Connection

School is IN! Hope all of you are off to a great start! Here's some important dates to put on your calendars:
9/29 - 10/1/2017 Fall Induction Weekend at Camp Chawankee: Meet at the new dining hall starting at 5:30 pm. Pre-Ordeal starts at 7:30 pm. WE NEED ALL ARROWMEN TO ATTEND THIS EVENT! The LEC Meeting will be held on Friday, 9/29, immediately following the Pre-Ordeal ceremony. Meet up in the dining hall.
9/28/2017 Lodge Elections! If you would like to run for Lodge Office, please contact us for important information. ALL interested in running for Lodge Chief must contact the Lodge Adviser immediately for important information! Forms located on this site under the Lodge News tab.
11/2/2017 Lodge Executive Meeting at Pioneer Village in Selma, CA. 7 pm to 8 pm. We will be finalizing plans for the Fall Fellowship Day on 11/4 and planning for the Lodge Leadership Development training day on 12/1-2 ! LEC members, Chapter Chiefs, Advisers, and all interested are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!
12/1-2/2017 Lodge Leadership Development Training. This is required training for all 2018 Lodge Officers elected at the Fall Fellowship. Location and time to be announced.
12/7/2017 Lodge Executive Meeting at Pioneer Village in Selma, CA. 7 pm to 8 pm. This will be the last LEC meeting of the year for the 2017 Lodge Officers! Annual Lodge Dinner awards and recognition will be discussed and candidates for recognition elected. LEC members, Chapter Chiefs, Advisers, and all interested are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!
Yours in Cheerful Service,
Preston Ferguson
Lodge Chief
Tah-Heetch Lodge 195
Squoia Council 27 - BSA